





類別資料分析 Categorical Data Analysis                                                                                                               

需先修過之課程: 數理統計

       An introduction to Categorical Data Analysis, 2007, by Alan Agresti  



       Categorical Data Analysis, 2nd edition, 2002, by Alan Agresti.


  • Two-way contingency tables:

    odds ratio, relative risk, sampling distribution, testing goodness-of-fit, testing independence, testing symmetry, Fisher's exact test.

  • Binary response models:

    logit, probit, extreme-value models, loglinear models, logistic regression.

  • Models for ordinary variables
  • Multinomial response models
  • Repeated categorical response models


應用多變量分析 Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis                                                                                   

需先修過之課程: 線性代數, 數理統計

       Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Ed.), 2007,

       by R.A. Johnson and D.W. Wichern.   






  • Multivariate Normality
  • Multivariate ANOVA
  • Multidimensional Scaling
  • Principal Components
  • Factor Analysis
  • Covariance Structure Models
  • Canonical Correlation Analysis
  • Discriminant Analysis
  • Cluster Analysis
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis (6th Edition)


時間數列(一) Time Series Analysis (I)                                                                                                                     

需先修過之課程: 線性代數, 數理統計, 迴歸分析


       Time Series Analysis: Univariate and Multivariate Methods (2nd edition), 2005,

       by William W. S. Wei.



      1. Overview 綜觀
       2. Multivariate Normal and Regression 多變量常態分配與廻歸
       3. Fundamental Concepts 基本觀念
       4. Stationary Time Series Models 穩定時間數列模式
       5. Nonstationary Time Series Models 非穩定時間數列模式
       6. Forecasting 預測
       7. Model Identification 模式確認
       8. Parameter Estimation, Diagnostic Checking and Model Selection
           參數估計, 診斷檢查及模式選取
       9. Seasonal Time Series Models 季節時間數列模式
     10. Intervention Analysis and Outlier Detection 介入分析與極端值的探測

高等數理統計(一) Advanced Mathematical Statistics (I)                                                                                       

需先修過之課程: 機率, 數理統計


       Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics,

       Vol. I (2nd edition), 2001, by P.J. Bickel and K.A. Doksum.


       Theory of Point Estimation, 1983, by E.L. Lehmann.


       Studying advanced topics in Mathematical Statistics

()課程大 綱

      1. Review of Probability
      2. Introduction to Decision Theory
      3. Statistical Models: Exponential Families and Group Families.
      4. Sufficiency: summarizing data without losing information.
      5. Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimation
      6. Information Inequality: A useful lower bound for the variance of an

      7. Large Sample Theory: Maximum likelihood (and related) estimators are

          approximately optimal in large samples.
      8. Bayes Estimation
      9. Admissibility
    10. Minimax Estimation
    11. Shrinkage Estimation


高等數理統計(二) Advanced Mathematical Statistics (II)                                                                                     

需先修過之課程: 高等數理統計(一)


       Mathematical Statistics: Basic Ideas and Selected Topics,

       Vol. I (2nd edition), 2001, by P.J. Bickel and K.A. Doksum.


       Theory of Point Estimation, 1983, by E.L. Lehmann.

       數理統計學, 1994, 楊明宗、劉應興合著


       Studying advanced topics in Mathematical Statistics


()課程大 綱

  1. Introduction to Decision Theory

  2. Bayes Decision Rules

  3. Admissibility and Complete Classes

  4. Minimax Decision Rule

  5. Neyman-Pearson Lemma (N-P Lemma)

  6. Most Powerful Test (MP Test)

  7. Uniformly Most Powerful Test (UMP Test)

  8. Monotone Likelihood Ratio Property (MLR property)

  9. Uniformly Most Powerful Unbiased Test (UMPU Test)

  10. Locally Best Test

  11. Confidence Sets

  12. Duality Between Testing and Interval Estimation

  13. Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (GLRT)

  14. Limit Theorem for the Likelihood Ratio Statistic

  15. Other topics: Multivariate Normal, Multivariate Central Limit Theorem, Analysis of Discrete Data, Introduction to Nonparametric Methods, Introduction to Linear Models.

應用統計 Applied Statistics                                                                                                                                       

需先修過之課程: 迴歸分析, 實驗設計

       Practical Regression and Anova using R, 1999, by J.J. Faraway.


       Studying advanced topics in regression and experimental design

()課程大 綱

      1. Estimation

      2. Inference

      3. Error in Predictors

      4. Generalized Least Squares

      5. Testing for Lack of Fit

      6. Diagnostics

      7. Transformation

      8. Scale Changes, Principal Components and Collinearity

      9. Variable Selection

     10. Analysis of Covariance

     11. ANOVA


高等工程數學(一) Advanced Engineering Mathematics (I)                                                                                  


       Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Third Edition, 2006,

       by  D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen


      1. Series Solutions of Linear Equations
      2. Orthogonal Functions and Fourier Series
      3. Boundary-Value Problems in Rectangular Coordinates



高等工程數學(二) Advanced Engineering Mathematics (II)                                                                                  


       Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Third Edition, 2006,

       by  D. G. Zill and M. R. Cullen


      1. Boundary-Value Problems in Other Coordinate Systems
Integral Transform Method
Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equations



高等微分方程 Advanced Differential Equations                                                                                                    


     A first Course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications,

       8th edition, 2004, Dennis G. Zill


       Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems---3rd edition
       Authors: Nagle, Saff and Snider

()課程 介紹

       1. Modeling with First-Order Differential Equations
       2. Modeling with Higher-Order Differential Equations
       3. Series Solutions of Linear Equations
       4. Numerical Solutions of Ordinary Differential Equations


1. Linear Models
2. Nonlinear Models
3. Modeling with Systems of Differential Equations
4. Spring/Mass Systems
5. Linear Models: Boundary-Value Problems
6. Solutions about Ordinary Points
7. Solutions about Singular Points
8. Runge-Kutta methods


連續振動學  Vibration of Continuous System                                                                                                          ()教材

       Vibration of Continuous System, 楊立杰


1. Transverse Vibrations of Strings
2. Londitudinal and Torsional Vibrations of Bars (or Rods)
3. Beam Vibration
4. Membrances
5. Plates
6. Shells
7. Arbitrary body


彈性力學 Elasticity                                                                                                                                                    


       Theory of Elasticity, S.P. Timoshenko & J.N. Goodier, McGraw-Hill.


       Mathematical Theory of Elasticity, I.S. Sokolnikoff.

()課程 介紹

       This course presents several aspects of the theory of elasticity from a unified point of view and to indicate, along with the familiar methods of solution of the field equations of elasticity, some newer general methods of solution of the two-dimensional problems






動力系統 Dynamical System                                                                                                                                     ()教材

       Dynamical Systems: Differential equations, maps and chaotic behavior, 1992
       Author: D. K. Arrowsmith


       1. Introduction To MATLAB 7 For Engineers by William J. Palm III
       2. A first course in Differential Equations with Modeling Applications by D. G. Zill

()課程 介紹

       1. Introduction
       2. Linear System
       3. Non-linear systems in the plane
       4. Flows on non-planar phase spaces
       5. Applications


1.Autonomous equations
2. Autonomous systems in the plane
3. Flows and evolution
4. Phase portraits for canonical systems in the plane
5. The evolution operator
6. Affine system
7. n-Dimensional system
8. First integrals
9. Poincare-Bendixson theory
10. Poincare maps and Hamiltonian flows


混沌與碎形                                                                                                                                                                  ()教材

       Encounters with chaos, 1992,  by Denny Gulick


       An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems, 2nd edition, 2003,  by Robert Devane


       Intrducing examples of chaos


1. basics about dynamical systems: fixed points, periodic points, basins, dense orbits.
2. Canter set
3. tent function
4. logistic functions
5. Baker function
6. Henon map


泛函分析 Functional Analysis                                                                                                                                    ()教材



       1. J.B.Conway, A Course in Functional Analysis.
       2. M.M.Day, Normed Linear Spaces.
       3. N.Dunford and J.T.Schwartz, Linear Operators.
       4. C.Goffman and G.Pedrick, First Course in Functional Analysis.
       5. P.R.Halmas, Introduction to Hilbert Spaces and the Theory of Spectral Multiplicity.
       6. L.V.Kantorovich and G.P.Akilov, Functional Analysis in Normed Spaces.
       7. J.L.Kelley and I.Namioka, Linear Topological Spaces.
       8. E.Kreyszig, Introductory Functioal Analysis with Applications.
       9. L.A.Liusternik and V.J.Sovolev, Elements of Functional Analysis.
     10. D.G.Luenberger, Optimization by Vector Space Methods.
     11. M.A.Naimark, Normed Algebras.
     12. W.Rudin, Functional Analysis.
     13. A.E.Taylor and D.C.Lay, Introduction to Functional Analysis.
     14. Jan van Tiel, Convex Analysis:An Intrductory Text.
     15. K.Yosida, Functional Analysis.
     16. E.Zeidler, Nonlinear Functional Analysis.


1. Banach Spaces:
Definitions and Basic Properties; The L^p-spaces; Other Examples of Banach Spaces;
Finite-Dimensionality; Bounded Linear Transformation; Consequences of Baire
Theorem; Applications to Fourier Analysis.
2. Hilbert Spaces:
Basic Definitions and Properties; Projection Theorem; Riesz Representation Theorem;
Orthonormal Sets; Trigonometric Series.
3. The Hahn-Banach Theorem:
Analytic Form of the Hahn-Banach Theorem; Geometric Form of the Hahn-Banach
Theorem; Some Applications of the Hahn-Banach Theorem.
4. Dual Spaces:
Reflexivility; Examples of Dual Spaces; Weak Topology and Weak* Topology;
Minimum Norm Problems.


無母數統計 Nonparametric Statistics                                                                                                                      


       Applied Nonparametric Statistics ,2000 , by W. W. Daniel.


       Practical Nonparametric Statistics,3rd edition, 2006,  by W.J. Conover.




1. Introduction
Procedures that utilize data from a single sample
Procedures that utilize data from two independent
Procedures that utilize data from two related samples
Chi-square tests of independence and homogeneity
Goodness-of-fit tests




最優化理論 Optimization                                                                                                                                            ()教材

       Constrained Optimization in the Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory
       by John Gregory & Cantian Lin, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1992


       Kirk D. E., Optimal Control Theory, Prentice-Hall, 1970


       1. The Basic Theory of the Calculus of Variations
       2. Optimal Control
       3. Unconstrained Reformulations
       4. Numerical Theory


1. The Free Problems
2. The Equality Constrained Problems
3. The Inequality Constrained Problems
4. Newton's Method
5. Critical Point Conditions
6. The Minimum Time Problems
7. The Optimal Control Problems
8. Constrained Calculus of Variations Problems
9. Kuhn-Tucker Reformulation
10. Kuhn-Tucker Method


計算理論與方法 Computation Theory and Method                                                                                                 ()教材

       Boundary Element techniques, C.A. Brebbia, J.C. Tells and L.C. Wrobel,


       Boundary Elements An Introductory Course, C.A. Brebbia and J. Dominguez,


       The purpose of this course is to present a comprehensive and up-to-date
treatment of the boundary element method (B.E.M.)




離散動力系統 Discrete Dynamical System                                                                                                              ()教材

       Encounters with chaos by Denny Gulick


       An introduction to chaotic dynamical systems
       by Robert Devaney


       Intrducing examples of chaos


1. basics about dynamical systems: fixed points, periodic points, basins, dense orbits.
2. Canter set
3. tent function
4. logistic functions
5. Baker function
6. Henon map
7. Julia sets


高等科學計算 Advanced Scientific Computation                                                                                                     ()教材

       Introduction to Numerical Analysis,

       Second Edition by Kendall E. Atkinson


       1. Elementary Numerical Analysis by Kendall E. Atkinson
       2. Scientific Computation an Introduction with Parallel Computing by Gene Golub & James M. Ortega
       3. Introduction to Scientific Computing by Charles F. Van Loan


       This course is given to strengthen the ability of students in numerical analysis and with the ability in using MATLAB to do numerical computing. The ability of do programming by MATLAB will be given first and the rest of the course will be given to discuss several important issues in numerical analysis and scientific computing. Some parallel issues will be discussed too.


1. Programming by MATLAB
2. Interpolation Theory
3. Linear Algebra & Numerical Solution of Systems of Linear Equations
4. Parallel and Vector Computing


方特論 Topics in ordinary differential equations                                                                                              ()教材

       Systems of Ordinary Differential Equations: An Introduction
       by Jack L. Goldberg & Arthur J. Schwartz


       Differential Equations A first Course
       by Martin M. Guterman & Zbigniew H. Nitecki




Chapter 1: Vectors and Matrices
Chapter2 : Linear Homogeneous Systems and Eigenvectors
Chapter 3: Linear Systems and Root Vectors
Chapter4: Applications of the Theory of the Homogeneous Equations
Chapter 5: Higher Order Equations
Chapter 6: An Introduction to the Theory of Analytic Differential Systems
Chapter 7: Two Dimensional Autonomous Systems: An Introduction to the Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations


等複變分析 Advanced Complex Analysis                                                                                                           


       Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Erwin Kreyszig, Wiley.


       Complex Variables and Applications, James Ward Brown and Ruel V. Churchill, McGraw Hill.




1. Complex Numbers and Functions
2. Complex Integration
3. Power Series, Taylor Series
4. Laurent Series, Residue Integration
5. Conformal Mapping
6. Complex Analysis and Potential Theory




值專題 Special Topics in Numerical Analysis                                                                                                       


       Linear Algebra and Linear Operators in Engineering with Applications in Mathematics.


       Optimization---Foundations and Applications, Ronald E. Miller


       1. Solution of Linear and Nonlinear
       2. Solvability of Linear Algebraic Equations
       3. The Eigenproblem
       4. Linear Integral Operators in a Hilbert Space
       5. Linear Differential Operators in a Hilbert Space


1. Synopsis
2. Solvability Theorem
3. Hilbert-Schmidt Operators
4. The Adjoint Operators
5. Green
s Function
6. Spectral Theory




微分方程 Partial Differential Equations                                                                                                              


       Beginning partial Differential equations By O'Neil






1. First Order Partial Differential Equations
2. Linear Second Order Partial Differential Equations.
3. Element of Fourier Analysis
4. The Wave Equation
5. The Heat Equation
6. Dirichlet and Neumann Problems




體力學 Celestial Mechanics                                                                                                                         




       Introdution to Hamiltonian dynamical systems and N-body problem,

       by Meyer


       介紹Nbody problem


      Kepler law
    restricted three body problem



高等機率論 Advanced Probability Theory                                                                                                              


       Probability and Computing, by M. Mitzenmacher and E. Upfal




       The emphasis in this course is on the probabilistic techniques and paradigms.


1. events and probability.
2. discrete random variables and expectation.
3. moments and deviations.
4. Chernoff bounds.
5. balls, bins, and random graphs.
6. the probabilistic method.





高等數值線性代數 Advanced Matrix Computation                                                                                      


       Introduction to Scientific Computing 2nd Ed. by Charles F. Van Loan


      1. 數值線性代數徐樹方、高立、張平文 編著, 北京大學出版社
      2. Introduction to Numerical Analysis, second edition, by Kendall E. Atkinson


       This course will introduce some problems in numerical linear algebra, including the linear systems, least square problem, and some eigenvalue problems. These problems occurs in scientific computation, and students usually need the make clear distinction between theoretical and real computation. Some exercises in MATLAB are required for students to work out, and some theoretical proof will be given too.


1. Introduction
2. Direct Solutions of Linear system of equation
3. Sensitivity analysis of linear system of equations
4. The least square problem
5. Iteration method of linear system of equations
6. Eigenvalue problems





高等統計品質管制 Advanced Statistical Quality Control                                                                                      










       1.使學生瞭解統計品質管理的基礎理論與實務技術。 2.使學生熟悉品統計品質管理的方法和應用。 3.培養學生建立品統計品質的觀念和理念。


1. 品質之意義與演變
13.SPC and TQM國外期刊導讀



大樣本理論 Large Sample Theory                                                                                                                            






1.  Modes of convergence
2. Laws of large numbers
3. Central limit theorems
4. Pearson's chi-square
5. Asymptotic theory of extreme order statistics
6. Asymptotic normality of the MLE
7. The Cramer-Rao lower bound
8. Asymptotic efficiency




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